Course Syllabus


Video Game Design

2015-2016 School Year

Teacher: Dr. Melanie Wiscount

Students and Parents/Guardians: Please read the entire syllabus, sign this section of the syllabus verifying that you read and understood the content, and return this page completed to Ms. Wiscount at the beginning of the second class.

If you have any questions, please email ( or call me (570.640.3756).         

MTHS Standard Disclaimer:  The information contained on this syllabus is accurate at the time of distribution. 

Further information, clarification, and modification may occur during the term of the course. Please contact the teacher or an administrator for further information.Any changes to syllabus requirements will be provided in writing by the teacher.

Video Game Design 2015-2016 Syllabus: FinalWiscount_VideoGameDesign_Syllabus 2015-2016.pdf

Course Summary:

Date Details Due